Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Better Than Science Fiction

I finally "get" the obsession by some people with science fiction.

In it people appear, disappear, have seemingly miraculous powers and live in a world that cannot be explained by gravity, the laws of physics and other sciences.

That's because some people who are awed, overwhelmed and nonplussed by biblical narratives feel the need to manufacture the supernatural out of their own imaginations.

Reading Acts 8:39 and 40 can be perplexing. At one minute Philip is there with the eunuch and then in the next minute, he is not. "The Lord snatched Philip away The eunuch saw no more of him, because he continued on his way - full of joy. But Philip showed up at Ashod and continued on his way - full of joy."

At first glance, that could be seen as science fiction. At a deeper level, it is evidence that time and space with God are different than with men. This is not science fiction. This is a Holy Happening, only possible with God. Real, witnessed and yet unexplainable by the laws of physics.

When Jesus appears to his disciples, Mary and others some 40 times after his Resurrection, each appearance could be dumbed down to call it science fiction and not real. EAch appearance could also be called a "Holy Happening."

How many Holy Happenings can you list from the Bible? Start counting and send me your list. We will compare notes.

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