Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Church Must Be Love

If Church must be love, then the arguments churches have over beliefs are getting in the way of love. Take the issue of homosexuality.

My Bible says we are to hate the sin and love the sinner. My Bible also says that homosexuality is a sin. So are gluttony, lying, and gossiping.

I know that the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality in the 1970's from a disorder to an acceptable life style. Saying it doesn't make it so.

My life in the theatre and just the world at large has brought me into relationship with many homosexuals of both genders. Absent or distant fathers, aggressive mothers, sexual abuse, sexual predators and ignorant child rearing all contribute to the "decision" some people make to be homosexuals.

I just want the truth and fairness.

If I am fat, call me fat.
If I am a gossip, call me a gossip.
If I lie, confront me.
If I do heinous things, punish me in love. Don't let me continue to do those things.
If I do things that God clearly says I should not do, like have sex with someone of my sex, remind me that I am not in God's will. Love me but don't cross over to my side and pretend that I am OK when I am not.

I happen to love sinners. If I didn't, I would have to live alone and not even talk to myself.

If we embrace love as a decision, our hearts follow.